Thursday, January 8, 2009

Band Reunion

Hello fellow band members. How have you been? It has been five years since our last reunion and we thought it was time for another. Sooooooooooooooooo, here is what we are going to do. We are planning to get together in San Antonio, Texas the weekend of June 12th & 13th 2009. I will be contacting each of you as best I can using your previous information. If you have moved or changed your email address please send me your updated contact information. As the time gets closer we will be more specific about the time and events.


  1. Cool! It's always good to keep in touch! I will put something up on the 1981 webpage!

    Thanks for contacting me and thanks for doing this! :o)

  2. I posted a note to the Clark First Class 1980 Alumni group on Facebook.

    Thanks for organizing this guys!

  3. Class of 1973, flute player, but I did not play my senior year; I took gym instead. I was 1st chair in B Band my freshman year. But behind all those juniors and seniors when I got to A Band my sophomore year. Not much advancement. At SAC I played in a recorder quartet. Now I'm a drum player for Rock Band 2, Playstation 3.

  4. This will be interesting! Thanks for doing this.

  5. Going to try and make this one! Class of 79 - oboe and barely alto sax - sounds great (the reunion, not my playing...)!

    Kate (Field) Trent

  6. Mark, I have something cooking for interfacing with NISD when Kuentz Elementary is dedicated. Please contact me, and anyone besides Mark please feel to do so, also.

    Juli Perry
    Huntsville AL

  7. I need someone to get me an email for a 1976 alum, please, from clarinet section.

    Thank you! Write privately, I suppose

  8. Eileen Smith, '77, Rochester, NYJune 3, 2009 at 8:07 PM

    Will not be able to attend the reunion in June, but will clear my calendar to be back in November for the elementary school dedication. Thanks, everyone for organizing this!

  9. I am so glad and excited about seeing folks. I will be at Midnite Rodeo tonight. Class of 79, bass clarinet and flags.

    Tammy Ritchie Teich

  10. Wonderful reading all of the posts. I couldn't make it in Jun, but please keep this post going. I would love to go to the dedication!! Wonderful to hear from you Tammy!!
    Class of 79, bass clarinet and flags
    Rochelle (Feltenstein) Nation

  11. I am very happy to see you again and write a blog so this is really different type of experience for me.
